It's been a busy couple of weeks. Remember how I talked about that Scentsy stuff? Well, it's pretty much taken over my life. Luckily I have a lot of fun doing it - but it's keeping me on my toes for sure!
Of course, it's not all been fun and games...
Yes, I had the opportunity to model the latest in hospital-wear earlier this week. And, of course Todd took advantage of this photo op. This is pre-procedure, by the way. The pics he SWEARS I told him to take of me coming out of anesthesia will not be seen here.
Don't worry! Everything is fine! It was a very minor, outpatient surgery and I was even back to work the next day. It has, however, kept me a little distracted and away from the blog more than I intended.
I'm no stranger to this look. I'm an old pro at surgery. The procedure this past week was the first one I'd ever had that wasn't ENT related, and prior to this one, it had been more than eight years since my last surgery, but over the years I became very familiar with the drill.
See, I have bad ears. Specifically, I have bad eustachian tubes. This means that as a child, I had tubes in and out of my ears a lot and, as a teenager/adult, I have had at least two surgeries to reconstruct my eardrum. The result is significantly diminished hearing in my left ear.
Overall, I hear okay, but I often have trouble determining where sound is coming from, and if there's a lot of background noise I can have a hard time following conversations.
I had the audiogram above done approximately 3 weeks ago. When my ENT specialist took a look in my left ear (for the first time in 5 years), his exact words were "Well, it's not a TOTAL disaster in here!"
Oh. YAY!?
In any case, I'm almost completely bounced back to normal and settling back into a routine. Vacation is just around the corner and so are the holidays! Those of you who are fans on Facebook know that I have already busted out the Christmas music and our house is 90% decorated. I'm hoping to put the tree up this weekend. I know, I know, it's Thanksgiving first - but we're actually celebrating Thanksgiving with my family on Sunday - so technically, for us, that means Thanksgiving WILL be first!
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