Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Biding our Time

Last weekend was daylight savings time and, although we really appreciate the extra hour of sleep we got on Saturday night, I would gladly trade it back for the 4 hours of daylight it apparently stole from us in return.  It's hard to get motivated to do things when it's dark all the time, but we're trying to stay busy while we wait for our lives to change.  Here's some of what we've been up to lately:
  • School:  we're both in school working on bachelor's degrees. We are in online programs, so we have the flexibility to attend class and do homework when it works best for our schedules (and when a baby comes along, we'll have lots of flexibility there as well).   I am 5 classes away from a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Health Services Management.  FIVE.  CLASSES.  They are going to be the longest five classes of my life.  Todd is pursuing a degree in Business Management - and he has a way to go yet, but we're making the most of this time of unemployment to focus on his education. 
    OH YEAH.
    That reminds me.
    Todd is unemployed.  He was laid off from his job a few months ago and hasn't been able to find permanent employment since.  This economy is the pits. However, we're making it work.  Like I said, Todd is in school  and if we found our baby now, he would be a stay at home daddy!  We figure there's a reason for all of this, we're just waiting to see how it plays out and trying to learn how to be patient.
  • Work:  For me, work has been cuh-razy lately.  I'm hoping this will ease up in the next couple of weeks.  Well, it will definitely ease up in the next couple of weeks because....
  • Vacation: We're going on vacation!  We leave Thanksgiving day for a trip to Southern California and Las Vegas.  We are really really looking forward to getting away together.  I've never been to California, so I'm excited to see the Pacific Ocean and cross another thing off my bucket list.  Todd HAS been to California, but as a San Diego Chargers fan - he's still pretty darn excited.  We'll be traveling with my mom, step-dad and grandma, and visiting family in California -- so it's bound to be an adventure!
  • Scentsy:  In an effort to supplement our income and (let's face it) feed my addiction, I became a Scentsy Consultant.  I LOVE this stuff, so I'm excited about that, although a little nervous.  However, I have four parties this month so I guess I'm not the only one who loves the stuff.  I'm hoping that, ultimately, it will churn up some more money so I can start our advertising up again, but we'll see.  If nothing else, it's providing a good distraction and keeping me out of trouble.
  • Holiday deal scouting:  I feel so behind!  I am usually at least halfway done with my Christmas shopping by now, but I feel very uninspired this year.  I'm hoping something will jump out and catch my attention soon.  Christmas is going to be here before I know it (SO FAST)!
So, it's not exactly scintillating stuff, but it's keeping us busy and moderately distracted and hopefully pointing us in a direction where we can renew our outreach efforts.  This waiting is hard.  It doesn't seem like it should be hard, right?  We're just living the same lives we've always lived and keeping them full and happy.  It's just now we're out here, so we know that it could happen at any moment.  It makes it difficult to wait, but we also know that this is bigger than us, we're learning patience and trust right now, and - in the end - we will get the children we're meant to have.

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