Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall is in the Air........According to Todd

So, We hit the 400 mark.........Looks like its time for me to keep my end of the bargain then.

Ever since I was young, I remember fall always a busy time growing up on the farm.  The memories I have the most were of either riding with my parents or brothers in the trucks as we hauled everything from soybeans to corn.  According to my mom (who has one of the best memories of anyone I know) I was pretty much a rider in the truck from a very young age......and by very young I mean like riding in a infant car seat strapped into the truck.  When I was younger, the memories were mainly of just riding out to the field, getting the load, and then driving back.  Once I started to get older, I took on a little bit more responsibility.  I don't remember the exact age it was but I would guess it was close to 10 years old.  The responsibility was mainly to jump out of the pickup or the tractor, unhook the empty wagon, then run over to the full one, guide back the vehicle to hook it up, hook it up, then jump back in for the ride back to the farm. 

Then came the time when I was actually able to do the driving.  We would just add an extra vehicle so there was no need for unhooking and I would drive it out to the field, jump out of the empty vehicle, then jump in the full one and bring it back to the farm.  The one thing I only got to do once or twice was to actually drive it up to the auger to unload.  I can remember doing it more with my Dad then with my brother Doug........I think its because Dad more patience with me then Doug did with me.  And I NEVER climbed the grain bins!!!!  ( For anyone who does not know me, I have a HUGE problem with certain kinds of heights and certain kinds of ladders )  This flurry of activity usually lasted until at least thanksgiving or until we were done, whatever came first really.

This looks EXACTLY like the combine we used
OK, there is a reason for that back story.  I tell this story because this is why Fall is my 2nd favorite time of year ( Fall, a tie between Spring and Summer, and Winter DEAD LAST  ).  Its always such a flurry of activity to get any last clearing of garden work done, along with other outside projects before Old Man Winter sets in. I think its the farmers blood in me that likes the activity of the fall so much. Even if it is just cutting down bushes or even mowing leaves with the rider, it feels like I am busy and that's kinda like my own sort of Zen really. Another thing about Fall is its kinda like the calm before the stupid cold storm.  Its also not too hot out and at the same time its not too cold so sleeping weather in the Fall is some of the best in my opinion.

Years ago, I had actually thought about moving South..........Some place where the winters are in the 50's and you never get any of the snow.  Honestly, I probably would have went crazy without the actual changing of the seasons.  I know, I may sound crazy but I need to see an actual change in environment when the seasons change, not just a temp change.  So once all the yard work gets done, Winter can come any time.

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