Happy <chokes> 11 month birthday!
This face pretty much sums up how you feel about sleeping. |
I’m going to be honest, there were parts of the last month
that were excruciating for all of us.
For you because, I think, you were cutting some teeth and possibly
growing and maybe also a little sick? I
say those things with a question mark because the symptoms of those things are
all exactly the same. The only proof I
have that at least some of those symptoms were NOT due to you being sick, is
that you popped out two more adorable teeth (on the top this time!). The result of all this is that your sleep
habits changed on us again – in a way that we have not experienced since you
were three months old. I mean, you
started waking for middle of the night feedings again, and then you wouldn’t
want to settle back down. You were screaming and crying and banging on your crib.
One night your dad gave up and brought you out to the living room,
plunked you down and said “fine, you want to be up? We’re up. Now PLAY.” And you sat there looking so small and
confused and tired because you didn’t really want to be up. It’s just that none of us could figure out
how to make you NOT be up anymore.
Tough guys don't need sleep! |
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You guys, holy smokes, have you see how the water gets in the tub?! MIND. BLOWN. |
Sleep issues aside, you’ve had a lot of other things going
on. You’ve discovered the joy of being
an entertainer. You like to make sure
that all eyes on you and then you do something amazing like drop a ball in a
hole, or bang a toy against another toy, and then look up and await our joyous
Mom tried to get some yard work done. This happened, instead. |
You are like, the master expert of peek-a-boo. You figured it out pretty quickly and now
you’ll do it double time just to hear us shriek “PEEEK!!” at you as often as
possible. This is part of how you
entertain us. You also have a hearty
appreciation for “patty cake” – although we still mostly play it with your feet
because you’re not crazy about us monopolizing use of your hands. It’s much better if your hands are free to
grab someone’s nostril or yank someone’s shirt down.
This is the look of a boy who is uncomfortably close to standing up by himself. |
You are fearless, which is something I know you won’t hold
on to forever, so it’s both incredibly sweet (as a reminder that you’re still
my little baby) and also terrifying. You crawl over things, under things, around
things, and you have tried to launch yourself off of everything we have sat you
on top of (beds, couches, counters, etc.) and one of your favorite things to do
is to launch yourself off the bed while we grab one of your feet and hold you
upside down. You love to be upside
down! Sometimes you’ll crawl up into my
lap and then throw yourself backwards, indicating that you would like for me to
flip you. As the flip ends with you
drapped across my legs, you lay wiggling and giggling at the ecstasy of it all.
Enjoying the contraband Butterfinger bar you swiped from the candy bucket. |
P.S. Yes, we do need
to clean our house. We’ve begun using your hairball consumption as a house cleanliness gauge and we seem to
repeatedly fail.
Anyway – like your mom and dad - you love laughter. You love watching it in videos and seeing it
in person. We’ve discovered that if we
fake laugh in front of you, it will eventually get you laughing too and then,
of course, we’re all laughing for real.
You like to mimic people, you study faces and you can see the little
gears shifting around in your head while you try to figure out new noises or
expressions. Sometimes you reach out and grab my face like you’re trying to
figure it out. Especially your teeth –
you can’t quite figure outyou’re your mouth works now that you have teeth in
there. You are constantly running your
lips over them, and your eating has regressed because you haven’t quite figured
out that your teeth replaced your gums and you can use them for chewing
(although, you have figured out how satisfying it is to use them to take a giant
chomp out of a puff). Your little brain
is going 1000 miles a minute most days, which also probably accounts for a
little bit of the sleep disruption.
First haircut! |
Your Aunt Margy came to visit you again this past month. You flirted with her shamelessly and I believe she was utterly charmed. The possibility exists that she now likes you more than she likes us. It's okay though, we wouldn't have it any other way. She also gave you your first haircut. It wasn't exactly a planned thing, so we didn't have all the necessary supplies, but she made the best of it with a kitchen scissors. The results may not have been perfect, but you're welcome for not letting that baby mullet thing you were working on go too far.
Cousins in costume. |
Scarlett helped you pose for your pictures. |
In any case, you were a tiger. And we paraded you around at Grandpa and
Grandma’s on both sides, and you charmed everyone with all your entertaining,
showing off your tricks, and that impish little toothy smile. You got some candy, that your parents stole,
and some baby food that we’re going to let you have. As Halloweens go, it was a solid first go
round, I think.
We've been working on using a sippy cup. You are such a big boy! |
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Daddy's boy. |
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My heart. |
It’s not perfect – nothing about our lives, our sleepless
nights or our hairball infested home is perfect, but man – it is exactly what I
dreamed of (well, maybe not the hairballs).
It is exactly just right for us.
It is filled with laughter and noise and chaos and mess and family and
good food and good friends. These are
all the things I’m most excited to share with you, the values I’m most eager to
impart. It is so much harder than I thought it would be, watching my baby turn into a little boy, but it's also so much more awesome than I ever could have imagined. I cannot wait for the adventures you have in store for us.
Love and kisses all over,
Oh my goodness, this has to be the best one yet!! my favorite part is BOB- (by the way, your dad would like to know who this Bob guy is. He would also like you to please stop calling him Bob)- priceless! I truly enjoy reading these every month! keep em' comin' :)