This seems to be the pattern I have fallen into. We've been hard at work on cleaning up and plowing through some last minute projects before Todd starts back to work a week from tomorrow. It's amazing how quickly the last month has flown by. It seemed like we had forever to get things done and now here we are scrambling to do as much as we can in the last seven days. We're both very very excited for him to get back to work full time, in this job that seems very promising and stable and very very good for him. I'm just going to have to get used to not having a house-husband anymore. :)
This weekend was much like last weekend - a good mixture of work and play. We didn't get as much work done on the nursery as I had hoped, but we did buy the primer and get a teeny tiny start on taping and spackling the walls. We spent most of Saturday shopping - we got a BUNCH of stuff for the nursery (I'll post pictures eventually) and new light fixtures. It seems that I am nesting, which I am told means that I am now 100% ready for a baby. :)
Today we celebrated my grandma's birthday. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, in fact I think I may have gotten my first color of the season. In March! In Minnesota! We were able to enjoy a lovely meal outside in flip flops and t-shirts. My whole family on my mom's side gathers once a month to celebrate birthdays, so it was a big, rowdy affair once again. I'm pretty sure we embarrassed my grandma with our loud and outrageously off-key rendering of "Happy Birthday" - but she had a good time nonetheless.
In exciting news on the adoption front we received word last week that we are currently #3 on the waiting list to go into the Waiting Families Book. To clarify, going into the waiting families book really just means more waiting. It's not a guarantee that our wait is getting close to finish. Just that our wait to go into the BOOK is nearly finished! Once we're in the book, we'll have our profile listed in every Lutheran Social Services office. This just broadens the reach we have, so hopefully it will expand the number of people who are seeing us and maybe make the wait much shorter. Many many prayers to that end. We've been waiting to go into the book since October - we started out at #30 on the waiting list, so it's exciting to finally see some progress there. All of our stuff is printed and ready to go once we get the notification that they're ready for us! We are beyond ready for this!
Another bit of exciting news is that our Lutheran Social Services has begun profiling families each week on their Facebook page. Our profile will be the profile of the week this coming Wednesday. Again, another opportunity to reach a new audience and hopefully network with more people to get our information out there. After months of feeling a little stalled out, these new opportunities are really exciting to us. If you haven't "liked" our Facebook page yet, please feel free to stop by and do so here: I'll share the profile once it's posted on Wednesday!
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