So we hit WELL OVER the 250 mark (257 the last time I checked) which means that our little web of information must be starting to spread out. For myself, to see the numbers keep going up is always exciting because even if someone just hits the "Like" button on our Facebook page, it still shows that they took the time to do so and to me, that's always a good thing no matter what.
So, now its time to get down to the meat and taters of it all. What shall I write about? I was actually ready to write about this last night but decided to just take the time to kind of get my words together first so it didn't seem like a total jumbled mess. So, here goes!!!
I want to talk about friendships today. We all have had or have them now in our lives. But the one thing that is most evident to me is how when things come up in your lives, you can truly tell who your true friends are and are not. In high school, I guess I would have considered myself not to be associated with one clique or another. I was just kind of in the middle group that seemed to get along with everyone. Now some 15 years later, I would still consider myself that way. However, now I feel as if I am old enough to determine who my true friends are and who my acquaintance's are. I have found that my true circle of friends is quite a small group really but what we lack in numbers, we more then make up for in strength and support. Its these true friends who have been the most supportive and the biggest source of inspiration as me and Shell go through this whole process.
Basically, I already knew who my closest circle was but by going through and starting this process, it has been really impressive to see all the people who have come forward with words of support or even helping out by getting the word out. Again, you will hear me say this a million and one times but I just feel as if I can't say Thank You enough to all the people who are there for us and to all the new people who have come forward to offer support.
OK, so now that the serious issue is done, now onto the rebuttal about the Jedi Mind Trick post my lovely wife Shell blogged about. Well, I am still a Padawan yet so my full Jedi Mind Trick skills are far from enough to make her do that (definitely a nerd sentence right there ). In fact, when she mentioned the whole theme of the basement, I literally pinched myself several times to make sure I was not dreaming. So, there, now the air is clear on that.
Also, I have decided to show my true nature by putting a couple funny pics at the end of each blog. I am a firm believer in the power of laughter so that what ya have to look forward to at the end of my!!!
We love our nerds...even when we don't understand what they're saying when they talk their special talk!!! :-)